Quality, Health, Safety & Environment
think safe, act safe and be safe.
Akeel is committed to operating ethically and in an environmentally, economically and socially responsible manner. We also committed to conducting business in a manner that preserves and respects human dignity,. Applying these commitments across all business activities
To ensure the respect of human rights and the progression of sustainable development, Akeel has aligned its Sustainability program with the Sustainable Development Goals (“SDGs”) of the United Nations.
Health, Safety and Wellness
Akeel is committed to operating ethically and in an environmentally, economically and socially responsible manner. We also committed to conducting business in a manner that preserves and respects human dignity,. Applying these commitments across all business activities
Akeel, acknowledges that HSE and operational efficiency are complementary and that the proper use of working practices and loss prevention techniques are an important aspect of management responsibility, and Environmental (HSE) awareness be achieved and consistently maintained at all work areas, our company maintains formal procedures to identify the HSE impacts of its activities, products and services with regard to its employees, Clients, and the public environment generally.
Quality Assurance and Continuous Improvements
The corporate objective of Akeel is to achieve long term profitability through the provision of integrated services that meet or exceed the customer’s needs and expectations together with specified/ contractual requirement, and all employees with the Company will be made fully aware of the Company’s Quality Policy, objectives and targets. The Company will at all times promote a “Continuous Improvement Policy” (C.I.P.) in Quality Assurance matters, and implement procedures to ensure that all appropriate contracts are subject to formal review with the customer on a regular basis to measure the performance of the Company in accordance with the specified/ contractual requirement.
Environmental Management
An environmentally sound workplace will be established and maintained at all operating locations, and plant and machinery will be designed and constructed, and new processes developed in accordance with the Company environmental policy. It is the policy of Akeel Corporation., to continually strive to improve its environmental performance and awareness of all its employees and will develop objectives and targets to achieve this.
AKEEL QHSE Policy Statement (Size: 633 KB)
AKEEL QHSE Requirements (Size: 0.97 MB)